
寒假周记 暑假周记 小学周记 初中周记 高中周记 英语周记 数学周记 实习周记


  • 英语周记格式

    英语周记格式周记的基本格式是写明日期(包括星期,年,月,日,气候),标题,主题内容,末尾写上署名.日期的格式:星期,年,月,日,天气eg:July 15,2007 Sunday Sunny上面的那个是美式表达的日期也可以用英式表达:15 July,2007 (15th July,2007)注意:日期专业上来说最好不要缩写标题即你想写的题目主题内容:段落署名具体如下:下面是一篇英语周记范文eg:Ju

  • 初中暑假英语周记范文

    July 6 2007 It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can

  • 初二寒假英语周记大全

    初二寒假英语周记大全——小编整理了关于初二寒假英语周记大全以供各位同学参考和阅读,希望对于大家的寒假英语周记的写作有所帮助和裨益,关于初二寒假英语周记大全我们一起分享吧!初二寒假英语周记一:My New Year’s Resolution2013 will be end ,and 2006 will be come .In the new year ,we must be

  • 初中寒假英语周记

    初中寒假英语周记——小编整理了关于初中寒假英语周记3篇以供各位同学学习和阅读,希望对于大家的英语周记的学习有所帮助和裨益,同时关于初中寒假英语周记我们一起来分享和交流吧!初中寒假英语周记(一)This week is really busy and crucial for me, as I have made up my mind to get some change a

  • 英语周记150字

    又开始写周记了,英语周记150字?!很多同学们都觉得为难,因为英语的学习可不是那么简单的,所以小编整理了关于英语周记150字,以供同学们参考和对照写作哦!Today is Sunday.It’s also a good day. I got up at 7’oclock ,because my family will go to the zoo. After the breakfast ,I t

  • 英语周记80字

    是不是又在为每周的英语周记发愁呢?所以小编整理了关于英语周记80字及英语周记80字带翻译,以供同学们参考和学习,赶紧来写一些吧~英语周记80字带翻译(一):Dropped in at National Library to see the National Book Exhibition which will close today.Suprised at the fact that so ma

  • 英语周记120字

    英语周记120字:又到周末了,老师又布置了英语周记,很多同学们都绞尽脑汁,不知道如何才能写好周记,所以关于英语周记120字,同学们赶紧来学习吧~I picked up my story book that I didn’t finish yesterday. When I found some words that I didn’t understand, I looked it up in t

  • 我的寒假计划 My winter vacation plan

    我的寒假计划”的英语作文My winter vacation planMy winner vacation is coming soon .I am so happy I decide to make a winter vacation plan .First, I will do my homework carefully Second ,I am going to help m

  • 英语周记50字

    英语周记50字范文I woke up early this morning. I went out to play with my neighbor. We watched cartoon at his home. After I went home about 4 O’clock in the afternoon, I helped my mother to do some house wo

  • 我的寒假出行计划

    The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for back to my hometown for preparation. I miss my grandpar

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